Sunday, September 23, 2012

Progress! A little bit, but still!

WE HAVE PROGRESS!  Yes folks, this is a much more positive blog posting than last week!  So sorry about that, it wasn't exactly the happiest of all posts :s  I'm sure it didn't help that I'd just broken up with the guy I was seeing, so I was in an overall funk for a couple of days, but we're all past that now :D  In fact, feeling very happy and at peace and back to my old self!  SO, here are the updates on my little move across the globe:

Registration:  COMPLETE!  Yup, got the police check in to them on Tuesday, and by Friday I had an email saying my registration has been completed!  What does this mean?  Well, it means that I have finally reached the end of my 'getting licensed in Australia' saga!  No more exams, no more ridiculous fees (other than PI insurance).  Nope, it means I have no more hoops to jump through!  Now I just need the jobs to roll in... haha!  I have locums already set from the last week of November right through until the first week of January (and those come with house-sitting roles too, yipee!).  I also have a potential locum from April to the end of my work visa (June 29th?)  Then it will just be a matter of figuring out the process for getting sponsored.  I know I have the sponsor already, just need to talk to Immigration to see if I can go right into the permanent residency process... fingers crossed!  Ideally, I would like to be working as soon as next week :s  At least, that's when my PI insurance kicks in, so I could legally begin working then!  But yes, I am now, officially, LEGALLY, a chiro in Australia!  WAHOO!

Cargo:  SO CLOSE and yet so far.  Haha, my cargo has indeed arrived in Adelaide, and has made it to the shipping yard where I'm supposed to eventually meet a quarantine inspections officer to go through it all, however one little hiccup.  I received an email from the shipping company stating that they found bugs in the container which my stuff was in.  So, now I am waiting for my stuff to be fumigated (well, the whole container of stuff, not just mine :p), then aired out, and THEN I can book my quarantine appointment!  I'm just DYING to see what I packed away again!  Haha, can hardly remember what I (aka Stephanie) packed.  And of course, when quarantine asked if I packed everything myself I said yes... at least I knew what went IN to the bags/trunk, right?  And thank GOODNESS I had skype proof last weekend (at Heather's birthday dinner) that Chatty Kathy did NOT make the overseas trip to join my in Australia.  Let's just say, if I had opened a bag to be inspected and found a doll I would have just zipped it back up and said, "Nope, sorry, not my bag!"  Ah well, won't be long and I will be reunited with my dresses, summer clothes, hats, shoes (hurray shoes!  Now I just need someplace to wear them...), sporting equipment, and best of all my TEA!  I'm relieved too that David's packs their tea in tins that are sealed tightly!  I would not have been happy to get fumigated tea :(

In other news, the weather is getting SOOOOOOOOOO lovely out, I'm back to my usual summer colour.  This is from going out and running in the mornings, or cross-stitching in the backyard in 20C weather.  I'll be glad when I get my favourite sunscreen in my luggage!  On the friends front, I'm reminded (by some wonderful people) that I DO have friends down here in Australia.  Yes, 3 of them live in Sydney (Amanda, Claire, and Sydney), but I'm also reminded I have a friend in Melbourne (Jenn!!!).  Claire has suggested, if we are both free in the middle of January, that we meet in Melbourne and go to the Australian Open!  Now, I don't really follow tennis, but I would never give up a chance to take a quick flight to visit with some friends!  Now knowing Jenn is there I could visit her too!  Then I'm thinking I will need to pop by Sydney before I start a more long-term locum... maybe a Valentine's visit?  Claire, would you be my date?  Haha!  I also have made some friends here in Adelaide, and although I don't get to see them too much I have had some great chats with them and know that I have friends around if I ever need someone to catch-up with :)

Okay, I hope this post makes everyone feel a little better about me being down here.  Haha, I got a few 'perk up, it'll get easier' emails/messages on facebook after the last one... now you can all be jealous of my wonderful beach view, palm trees in the backyard, and awesome roo wildlife!  MUAHAHA!

xoxoxo D

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